Nez Long – Input FT Y Celeb ,Slap Dee, Bobby East

input mp3

Kalandanya music promotion artist Nez Long has a good vibe music dance to it ,the combination xyz and 408 empire its all about LSK and Kopala flavor Y Celeb has the gangster vibe to it ,Bobby East with internal vibe plus the King raps you cant afford to miss it. Nez Long – Input FT … Read more

Celeb City – Update

Celeb City Africa Update MP3 Download Audio

Zambian multi-talented music duo Celeb City, known for their energetic contributions to Copperbelt’s music scene, have just released a new track titled “Celeb City Africa Update MP3 Download Audio.” This single is anticipated to be a major hit, expected to top various music charts. The song addresses pressing social issues, questioning why politicians often exploit … Read more