Chef 187, the renowned rapper from Alpha Entertainments, has unveiled his much-awaited single titled “Spyling,” continuing his collaboration with rapper Immortal Cβzar. This new release marks the second instillment of their “Spyling” series, following the first part that dropped in 2020. Over the years, Chef 187 and Immortal Cβzar have teamed up on numerous hits, such as “Skwaleh” and “Low Budget,” forging a strong musical bond. Chef 187 has often praised Immortal Cβzar for his unique mentality, calling him one of the most promising Zambian artists to watch. Their partnership goes beyond music, with the two sharing a deep friendship that fuels their creative collaborations. “Spyling” is sure to add another exciting chapter to their dynamic musical journey.
In addition to “Spyling,” Chef 187 continues to be a dominant force in the Zambian music scene with hits like “Too Much Drama,” a track that has resonated deeply with fans. His ability to mix catchy beats with thought-provoking lyrics makes him one of the most influential artists in Zambia.
Be sure to check out “Spyling” and experience the collaboration between Chef 187 and Immortal Cβzar. Donβt forget to download “Chef 187 Too Much Drama” for more of his signature style.
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